Friday, August 23, 2013

Memoirs of a Shimai

My mother made my sister and I perform in 2 talent shows when I was in Kindergarten.  There was a church talent show that I do not remember and my Kindergarten “graduation” talent show. We sang the same song at both shows and my mom made us wear these matching puffyish white shirts and blue and white striped pants.  I hated that outfit.  I definitely remember that.  And we both sat in these tiny red rocking chairs for our song.  We sang the Sister Song from Barney and apparently we made everyone in the church audience cry.  Here are the lyrics:

Sometimes we're real close friends,
we stay up late and talk at night
other times we don't get along,
there are even times we fight
but I know she's always there
and I know she'll always care
she's my sister, I love my sister

And then it repeats “she’s my sister, I love my sister” a million times after the second verse.  Perhaps it was my mother’s own relationship with her sister that inspired her choice of song.  She has one younger sister who still lives in Japan and they are about the same distance apart in age as Kellie and I.  They are best friends.

I thought Kellie was annoying until high school.  Typically sibling stuff, we fought a lot, I didn’t want her hanging around me and my friends.  But according to Kellie something magically changed one year (I don’t remember this either) at Girls Camp and poof!  We were best friends.  All of the sudden she was the person who I wanted to spend all of my time with.  One of my fondest and most random memories of us at that time are the days we would ditch seminary and sit in my car and sing “Jeremiah was a Bullfrog” extremely loud.   We were not aware that the parents sitting in their cars in the parking could hear us until after the fact.  Sometimes we would sing Journey songs.   A lot our memories together are of us in the car.

Leaving for BYU was hard because I couldn’t bear to leave her behind.  And when she got her acceptance letter in the mail we cried together on the phone.  It kills me that I won’t be there for her last year.  She has this really amazing best friend who I am kind of jealous of sometimes…she’ll probably be there for all of Kellie’s crises and mischief and for her academic triumphs and personal failures.  She’ll probably also be there when Kellie meets the man she is going to marry.  I think that part kills me the most.  Kellie watched my relationship with Jordan progress from one of my earliest encounters with him to when she witnessed the moment he proposed to me.  I cried when he got down on one knee and I balled when I saw my sister emerge from the darkness.  She was there!  My sister was there.  Will I be there for her?  I don’t know.  We always joke that it’s not my dad’s permission that her future husband will need—it’s mine.  (But it really is.)  

I’m getting ahead of myself, though.  She’s not even on this continent.  I dreaded the day she sent in her mission papers.  But I’ve been looking forward to our Japan trip since last March when Kellie opened her mission call.  We all had a feeling she’d go there.  She held on to that white envelope for over a week so she could open it in Berkeley with the whole family and I will never forget the moment she opened it—I was shaking and crying and I didn’t want her to leave (such a buzz kill, I know.)  I couldn't fathom the thought of not having her here with me for a year and a half.  It was too much.  But when she read that she would be going to Tokyo, Japan, I was OK.  Because even though she would be thousands of miles across the ocean in some ways she would be home.  She’s much closer to us in Japan than she would have been anywhere else in the world.   

I know that it was hard for her at first to find herself in Tokyo but I think that took about 2 days.  I’m sure Heavenly Father sent her there because her love for those people has been a part of her since she was a child and her heart would be more open there than anywhere else.  I wish so badly I could have served a mission in Japan too.  I’ve been there several times but my dad served his mission there and even his mother served a few months of her mission there before being transferred to the Philippines.  Maybe someday Jordan and I will be able to carry on the Julander tradition.  But until then all I can do is count down the days until I fly out of SFO to be reunited with my sister.  That will be a moment of the purest joy.  My heart swells with emotion every single time I think about it and I cry every Monday morning in my office when I read Kellie’s emails.  I love her so much.  I love her so much that I actually don’t want her to come home.  She is so happy.  She has completely lost herself in the service of others and has, from what I can gather, found herself.  It’s often hard for me to express to her my excitement and relief that I will see her again because I know that for her it will mark the end of the most cherished 18 months of her life.  She will be leaving behind the country that gave her her mother, her family, and a glimpse of what Heaven will be like.  But I’m selfish and human and I do want my sister back.  She sends us pictures most weeks and it’s strange not recognizing the clothes she is wearing and seeing the faces of people who know her and love her in a completely different way than I do.  In some ways I can’t help but think that they know the real Kellie and I’ve been missing out since she’s been gone.  I am so excited to meet her.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Physical Science Still Rules My Life

First I called work, then I called Jordan.  Then I called my mom and she didn’t answer.  She was playing tennis.  So I called my dad and when he answered I told him that I almost died this morning.  I was still in shock by being thrown into the middle of the road off my bike.  Remember my earlier post that mentioned bikers hitting opening car doors?  I’m officially part of the club.  The biker club.  I almost need a tattoo. 

Bikers or cyclists? Are bikers only the kinds that ride motorcycles?  I’m not a cyclist. My seat is way too low to the ground.

I left my apartment this morning and hopped on my bike and I couldn’t stop thinking about helmets.  Imagining my head being protected by the Styrofoam and plastic in the case of an accident.  Bouncing on the pavement.  Fine.  I kept thinking about it.  It has never occurred to me not to wear one, though my hair looked really good this morning and I was fantasizing about it blowing in the wind behind me.  Helmets.

I crossed Telegraph and continued down Derby.  I love riding down that street because it is often free of cars.  There are trees and pretty houses, people walking their dogs. The big speed bumps are fun to ride over.   I approached a parked green van and suddenly time slowed down.  I saw his door open about a foot in front of me but by then it was too late.  Abruptly I was stopped and my body was propelled by the sudden jerk of the bike into the middle of the street. Today there were cars.  Fortunately the one behind me was driving slow enough to stop and get out of her car and not run over me.  I rolled a few times and I then I laid there like a slug.

 “What.  That just happened.”

And then I got up.  The guy in the car was so profusely apologetic.

“I’m so so sorry! I should have looked!  I didn’t even see you coming are you OK are you hurt!?”

And I was fine and shaking and I got up and hurriedly picked up my stuff.   

“My bike.  Is it broken?  Where’s my purse? Is my helmet still on?”

I kept on saying I’m fine I’m fine.  Everyone was freaking out.  People were telling me to take my time but I knew that I needed to cry so I kept on picking up my things.  Bike basket.  Lunch! Lock, chain.  Focus.

The man and woman were so nice.  It was obvious that my head was OK.  Protected by that helmet.  And my neck was fine.  They kept asking me about my neck.  He offered me a ride but I just wanted to get out of there so I said that I was fine again and we said goodbye. 

I got back on my bike but the chain had come loose so I got off and started walking.  I called my people.  Jordan was so worried about me and I think my dad almost cried.  Finally my mom called back and she asked if I had taken down the guy’s number.  I didn’t.  I was fine.  Just shocked. 

Not going in to work today.  They understand.  My leg is bruised pretty bad and my elbow has blood on it and it’s hard to walk.   But it could have been so much worse.  The woman behind me could have not stopped.  I could have been going faster down that hill. Why had I been thinking about helmets? I could have ignored the random feeling to wear actual shoes instead of my Rainbows.  I could have just worn the cardigan that I was planning on wearing.  But it’s Kellie’s and I don’t really like cardigans so I wore my new thick jacket I bought last weekend.  I wore these jeans that I never wear to work because the heels are all worn out so I can’t wear heels with them.  But I wore them today.   Those jeans are the toughest!  This morning as I put them on I was mad that even though the heels are worn out they have lasted way longer than any pair of Joes jeans I have. I’m never buying Joes again.  They probably would have gotten all scraped and holey.  Helmets.

I was protected this morning.  And I know that my Heavenly Father was looking out for me.  As I walked home crying all I wanted to do was pray and thank Him.  I’m not really sure what to make of all of the things that happened.  It was just a morning and a thing that happened.  It was a day.  This wasn’t life changing.  I didn’t have any fantastic futuristic visions.  I don’t even know if it could be considered near death.  (I’m always really dramatic with my dad.)

 I’m just trying to understand it. 

(I DO understand, however, that one of the laws of physics goes something like, if a thing stops and there’s a thing on it, the thing on the thing will not stop. I’m living proof of physics. Hardest class at BYU.  Hate.)

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

If this post were to have a title it would be called "Summer in the Bay Area and Pugs!"

Not really in a complete sentence kind of mood.  

1. Turned the heater on several times this summer.  SUMMER. 

2. Jordan's sister Janelle lived on our couch for 2 months.  She is delightful :) and extremely talented.  (Here for an art internship.) 

3.  Then the rest of Jordan's family came! Most of the (below) pictures are from their trip. I wish we could see them more often.  I'm so lucky to have such a wonderful new family :)

4. Myyyy birthday. Was so fun. Kate Spade had one of their "surprise" sales and ohhhh! The bag I've been wanting for months just happened to be on sale.  And...I need a new wallet? Yes....yes I do... I like picking out my own presents 2 months in advance.  Also, I must note that Jordan got me a DOG ENCYCLOPEDIA and my parents sent me a package which included the movie Totoro.  And we had Indian food. And I'm done semi-bragging now.

5. I ate a veggie dog and it was good. And actually just 10 minutes ago I had a Trader Joe's veggie burger.  And it was even better because it was not purchased at a baseball stadium. I eat vegetables now?  OK.

6. Purchased Glamour magazine for $3.50/year.  Subscribed for 2 years.  $7.00 total.  BEST DAY OF MY LIFE.  (random website I found.) Glamour sent me 3 issues in August.  And Allure sent me 2.  BEST MONTH OF MY LIFE.  Seriously.  Everyday the mailbox was like this magical portal to magic happy land.
Pure joy.

7.  Willis has developed a new routine.  It goes like this: Jordan wakes up.  Feeds Willis.  Goes on run.  I get up.  Hop in shower.  Willis is in the bathroom with me.  Sitting on the shower ledge.  While I am in it.  I get out.  Jordan comes home.  Jordan takes shower.  Willis is banned from bathroom. I sit down at our bedroom desk to do my makeup.  I enjoy the post-shower feeling that is clean and fresh. (note: 45 min. have passed since Willis has eaten.)  Willis decides it is time to poop out his breakfast. (note: litter box is under my desk.  In our room.  It is the ONLY place his box can go, because trust me, it WOULD NOT be there otherwise.)  Room fills with a smell that rivals the hottest and ripest of garbage dumps. I no longer feel clean.  Willis trots out of bedroom.  Aaaaand repeat, next morning.

8.  Major topic of discussion: dogs.  I must have one (several) during my (our) life time.  List: Lab (because Jordan never met our beloved Sam and life is not complete without experiencing the pure and sweet and beautiful love of a lab), dalmatian (surprisingly good family pet and smart.  And they have really pretty fur),  french bulldog (if Jordan passes on before me and I am left as a lonely old Bachan, it will be called Le Poo), Pug (this one is totally Jordan.  Apparently he dreeeeaaaaamed of having one when he was a kid.  I really want one too now. They make really funny noises and my dad hates them so it will be satisfying watching it's adorable wrinkly puppy face melt his heart.  They have the best faces.)

8.  Think that's all I feel like writing right now.  More later maybe.


READ CANNERY ROW.  It is funny.

I seriously love killer whales.  Like cry during Shamu show love.

Could not get a picture with them both holding still.  That is OK. (Baby=nephew, not son.  I probably would have blogged about it if he were ours...buuut I'm not going to lie I wish HE WERE OURS.) 

Jordan at Pebble Beach AKA Mecca.  (For him.) Pebble Beach for Jordan = South Coast Plaza for me.

Carmel by the Sea is a lovely town.  By the sea!

JORDAN WANTS A PUG.  (Now it is on the internet twice! Noooo going back.) And is open to other potential canine additions to our family......Laaaaaaaaab puppyyyyyy........ Remember the DOG ENCYCLOPEDIA?  And he likes cats. We are so meant for each other.  

 We picnicked behind the Golden Gate Bridge.  

 Just some Beasleys on the beach 

A furry rabies visitor peeking out from behind  a tree.  


Saturday, June 30, 2012

Hoosier by Marriage

I rode BART all the way to the SF airport by myself.  I felt so legit.  Public transportation freaks me out because I’m always afraid I’m going to get off at the wrong stop or on the wrong train.  And I had my duffle bag AND Jordan’s golf clubs.  They were heavy.  (Jordan had been in AZ for work that week so we met at the airport.)  It was a red eye and luckily for me I can fall asleep anywhere.  (Literally.  On a rock in central park, on a volcano in HI, in dirt in a Southern UT desert…the list goes on.) But after about 10 hrs of travelling, we arrived for our much anticipated trip to Indiana.  (That’s where Jordan’s from and where his family lives)  I use a lot of parentheses.  Anyways, I think I gained like 10lb that week.  And, since my genetics are half Asian, my tibias are statistically shorter than other races.  So it’s obvious when I gain weight because I’m short.  But it was so worth it.  Jordan’s mom made falafels.  Never had falafels before.  I love falafels.  The whole time we were eating I was thinking about that episode of Friends where Rachel’s sister comes to visit and thought Ross was the guy who sells Falafels at the cart outside.  I was laughing so hard on the inside.  We also had birthday cake Oreos.  I have been DYING to try those forever because birthday cake anything is amazing.  And they were amazing.  So yah, we had a lot of great food.  Every time we go out there we eat at this Turkish restaurant where you eat on the floor and we also stop at this burger place called Steak N Shake on the way home from the airport. BEST FRIES. I love French fries.  And that tradition.   Basically his parents spoiled us all weeks.  We went golfing (Jordan and his dad golfed, I read a book and drove the cart), we went to the zoo and children’s museum in Indianapolis, stocked up on some IU gear, toured this really cool old hotel where old Hollywood movie stars would go to drink from the springs of “eternal youth”, raced go-carts, and marveled at the size of his family’s cats.  I love visiting!  It’s so beautiful there.  So “American”, you know?  Everything is green and there are forests and fields everywhere.  Their house is literally in a forest.  (In a neighborhood in a forest.)  SO BEAUTIFUL.  His parents have a bunch of bird feeders outside of their front window and I   saw a pileated wood pecker—a big deal in the Beasley household.  Now I’m officially officially part of the family.  Also, Jordan’s mother and I got pedicures.  Basically one of my most favorite activities.  I just really love spending time with his parents.  Even though we had fun things planned every day, it was spending time with his parents that was the best.  I have so much love for them!  We were so sad to leave but his whole family will be in Berkeley next month so we are excited to see them soon J

 Humidity = bad for my hair
 Haahh face.

 Children's Museum

 Very creepy dolls

 Crazy glass sculpture

 Creepy Jordan
 Thai foodddd :)))

 The "natural zone"

 Fancy West Baden Hotel
 Creepy gnome mosaic

The end.